


*行動、結果 [#c4964416]
|breaks the grip|振りほどく|
|bruising| 挫傷 , 打撲傷 |
|falls over|倒れる|
|glances away|当たってそれる、かすめる|
|hacks|たたき切る, 切り刻む|
|jumps away|飛びのく|
|knocked over|跳ね飛ばされる|
|latches on firmly|がっちり掴む|
|lodged firmly in the wound|固く食い込む|
|no longer stunned|気絶でない|
|shattering |破砕|
|stands up||
|tearing(apart) &br; torn|裂傷, 断裂|
|tumbles backward|後ろへ転ぶ|
|breaks the grip|振りほどく||
|bruising| 挫傷 , 打撲傷 ||
|falls over|倒れる||
|feel sick|体調が悪い、吐き気がする||
|fracturing|折る,骨折する,くじく,砕ける,割る|left front leg with her ({copper spear}), fracturing the bone! &br; fracturing it!|
|give in to pain|痛みに負ける||
|glances away|当たってそれる、かすめる||
|hacks|たたき切る, 切り刻む||
|jumps away|飛びのく||
|knocked over|跳ね飛ばされる||
|latches on firmly|がっちり掴む||
|lodged firmly in the wound|固く食い込む||
|no longer stunned|気絶からの回復(もう気絶していない)||
|obstacle|障害物|slams into an obstacle!|
|pulls out and releases|引き抜いて放す||
|retch|吐く (出ない)  (空えずき?)||
|sails off in an arc|弧を描いて飛んでいく||
|shattering |破砕||
|slams|ぶつかる、激突する|slams into an obstacle! &br; slams into the Goblin Maceman!|
|stands up|立ち上がる||
|tearing(apart) &br; torn|裂傷, 断裂||
|tumbles backward|後ろへ転ぶ||
|vomit|吐く (出る)||

*部位 [#hb3f7ac6]
|floating ribs|浮動肋骨|
|lower body||
|sensory nerve|知覚神経|
|upper body||
|floating ribs|浮動肋骨||
|lower body|||
|motor nerve|運動神経||
|sensory nerve|知覚神経||
|spine|脊柱,背骨,脊椎|A tendon in the lower spine has been torn! &br; The Goblin Spearman stabs The Mule in the upper body with her ({copper spear}), &br; tearing the muscle and fracturing the middle spine's bone!|
|upper body|||



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