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|~翻訳元|[[DF2014:Weight - Dwarf Fortress Wiki>http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2014:Weight]]|
|~翻訳元 Rev.|[[Revision as of 10:35, 9 February 2015 by Brightgalrs>http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php?title=DF2014:Weight&oldid=216294]]|

'''Weight - 重量'''


''Weight'' (重量) もしくはさらに正確に呼ぶとすれば ''Mass'' (質量) はアイテムプロパティのひとつです。

''Γ'' を単位として数えられ、 この単位を ''urists''  と表記する場合もあります。~

"どのくらいの速度で生物やものが移動するのか" が
といったように、Weight は DF 内で広く活用されています。

Note that, for DF, weight and mass are currently indistinguishable because as it stands DF gravity is [[uniform both across the whole universe and from world to world>http://www.bay12games.com/media/df_talk_8_transcript.html]] and buoyancy isn't implemented.

Weight is displayed as a quantity associated with an item. Weight calculation is not entirely straightforward, since each item category — or sometimes even individual items — have their own formula for determining weight.

* 重量計算 [#weight_calculation]

The general form for calculating weight in DF is to take the material density (as found in the raws) multiplied by the item's volume.

Weight (in Γ) = Density (in kg/m3) * Volume*10 (in cm3) / 1,000,000 (cm3/m3)
An item's volume is also used to determine workshop clutter as well as how many items can fit into a container.

|Item Type|Volume|Capacity|Notes|h
|Cut [[gems>Gem]]|20|||
|Rough [[gems>Gem]]|250|||
|Mined [[stone>Stone]]|10000|||
|Wood [[logs>Log]]|5000|||
|[[Animal trap>Animal_trap]]|300|3000||
|[[Corpse>Corpse]]|Special||Based on the size of the corpse and what it's made of.|
|Body [[armor>Armor#Upper_Body]]| ?||Based on UBSTEP, LBSTEP, COVERAGE, LAYER_SIZE, and the race that crafted it.|
|[[Shoes>Armor#Footwear]]| ?||Based on UPSTEP, COVERAGE, LAYER_SIZE, and the race that crafted it.|
|[[Shields>Armor#Shield]]| ?||Based on UPSTEP and the race that crafted it.|
|[[Helms>Armor#Headgear]]| ?||Based on COVERAGE, LAYER_SIZE, and the race that crafted it.|
|[[Gloves>Armor#Hands]]| ?||Based on UPSTEP, COVERAGE, LAYER_SIZE, and the race that crafted it.|
|[[Box>Box]]|2000 or 100|6000|Bags have a volume of 100, boxes/chests/coffers have a volume of 2000.|
|[[Armor stand]]|1000|6000||
|[[Weapon rack]]|1000|6000||
|[[Scepter>Finished goods#crafts]]|300|||
|[[Large gem>Finished goods#large_gems]]|5|||
|[[Body part>Body part]]|Special||Based on the size of the body part and what it's made of.|
|Unprepared [[fish>Fish]]|200|||
|Live [[vermin>Vermin]]|Special||Based on creature's adult size.|
|Tame [[vermin>Vermin]]|Special||Based on creature's adult size.|
|[[Thread>Thread]]|ceil(Dimension/500)||20 for freshly extracted/gathered thread.|
|[[Cloth>Cloth]]|ceil(Dimension/500)||30 for freshly woven cloth|
|[[Totem>Finished goods#totems]]|500|||
|[[Pants>Armor#Lower Body]]| ?||Based on LBSTEP, COVERAGE, LAYER_SIZE, and the race that crafted it|
|[[Catapult parts>Siege engine]]|2000|||
|[[Ballista parts>Siege engine]]|2000|||
|[[Siege ammo>Ballista arrow]]|3000|||
|[[Ballista arrow>Ballista arrow]] head|1000|||
|[[Trap component>Trap component]]|SIZE/10|||
|[[Prepared meal>Prepared meal]]|100|||
|[[Misc. liquid>Extract]]|60|||
|Small [[rock>Rock]]|200||As [[thrown>Thrower]] by adventurers.|
|[[Pipe section>Pipe section]]|3000|||
|[[Hatch cover>Hatch cover]]|1000|||
|[[Traction bench>Traction bench]]|3000|||
|Orthopedic [[cast>Cast]]|200|||
|[[Egg>Egg]]|Special||Presumably the caste's EGG_SIZE.|

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