
*Design New World With Parameter [#h3962915]




**設定一覧 [#t3a84cc0]

|Use Seed|Random or Yes (0 to 4294967295)|世界創造のための乱数&br;特定の配置を再現したい時以外はRandomに設定しておけばいい|
|Use History Seed|Random or Yes (0 to 4294967295)|同上|
|Use Name Seed|Random or Yes (0 to 4294967295)|同上|
|Use Creature Seed|Random or Yes (0 to 4294967295)|同上|
|Emberk Point|0 to 10000||
|End Year|2 to 10000||
|Population Cap After Civ Creation|-1 to 100000||
|Site Cap After Civ Creation|-1 to 100000||
|Precentage Beasts Dead For Stoppage|-1 to 100||
|Year to Begin Checking Megabeast Percentage|2 to 10000||
|Cull Unimportant Historical Figures|Yes or No||
|Reveal All HIstorical Events|Yes or No||
|Minimum Elevation|1 to 400|最低標高&br;平均標高が低いと全てが海に沈む|
|Maximum Elevation|1 to 400|最高標高&br;平均標高が高いと高山しか現われない&br;標高100〜300辺りが入植可能な土地|
|Elevation X-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Elevation Y-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Minimum Rainfall|1 to 100|最低降雨量&br;平均降雨量が低いと草木の生えない不毛の大陸になる|
|Maximum Rainfall|1 to 100|最高降雨量&br;平均降雨量が高いと木の生い茂る大森林になる|
|Rainfall X-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Rainfall Y-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Minimum Temperature|-1000 to 1000|最低気温|
|Maximum Temperature|-1000 to 1000|最高気温|
|Temperature X-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Temperature Y-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Minimum Drainage|0 to 100|最低排水量|
|Maximum Drainage|0 to 100|最高排水量|
|Drainage X-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Drainage Y-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Minimum Volcanism|0 to 100|最低活動量|
|Maximum Volcanism|0 to 100|最高活動量|
|Volcanism X-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Volcanism Y-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Minimum Savagery|0 to 100|最低残虐度|
|Maximum Savagery|0 to 100|最高残虐度|
|Savagery X-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Savagery Y-Variance|0 to 3200||
|Elevation Mesh Size|Ignore or map size||
|Elevation Weighted Range <0-20>|0 to 10000||
|Elevation Weighted Range <20-40>|0 to 10000||
|Elevation Weighted Range <40-60>|0 to 10000||
|Elevation Weighted Range <60-80>|0 to 10000||
|Elevation Weighted Range <80-100>|0 to 10000||
|Rain Mesh Size|Ignore or map size||
|Rain Weighted Range <0-20>	|0 to 10000||
|Rain Weighted Range <20-40>|0 to 10000||
|Rain Weighted Range <40-60>|0 to 10000||
|Rain Weighted Range <60-80>|0 to 10000||
|Rain Weighted Range <80-100>|0 to 10000||
|Drainage Mesh Size|Ignore or map size||
|Drainage Weighted Range <0-20>|0 to 10000||
|Drainage Weighted Range <20-40>|0 to 10000||
|Drainage Weighted Range <40-60>|0 to 10000||
|Drainage Weighted Range <60-80>|0 to 10000||
|Drainage Weighted Range <80-100>|0 to 10000||
|Savagery Mesh Size|Ignore or map size||
|Savagery Weighted Range <0-20>|0 to 10000||
|Savagery Weighted Range <20-40>|0 to 10000||
|Savagery Weighted Range <40-60>|0 to 10000||
|Savagery Weighted Range <60-80>|0 to 10000||
|Savagery Weighted Range <80-100>|0 to 10000||
|Temperature Mesh Size|Ignore or map size||
|Temperature Weighted Range <0-20>|0 to 10000||
|Temperature Weighted Range <20-40>|0 to 10000||
|Temperature Weighted Range <40-60>|0 to 10000||
|Temperature Weighted Range <60-80>|	0 to 10000||
|Temperature Weighted Range <80-100>|0 to 10000||
|Volcanism Mesh Size|Ignore or map size||
|Volcanism Weighted Range <0-20>|0 to 10000||
|Volcanism Weighted Range <20-40>|0 to 10000||
|Volcanism Weighted Range <40-60>|0 to 10000||
|Volcanism Weighted Range <60-80>|0 to 10000||
|Volcanism Weighted Range <80-100>|0 to 10000||
|Minimum Mountain Peak Number|0 to 200|山頂の数&br;入植できるわけでもないので、適当に設定すればいい&br;小さい世界に沢山設定すると世界の創造が終わらない|
|Minimum Partial Edge Oceans|0 to 4|海の最低数&br;一辺の一部が海に面するようになる|
|Minimum Complete Edge Oceans|0 to 4|海の最低数&br;一辺の全てが海に面するようになる|
|Minimum Volcano Number|0 to 200|火山口の最低数&br;Maximum Volcanismを100に設定しないと世界の創造が終わらない|
|Max Megabeast Caves|0 to 100000|メガビーストが棲む洞窟の最大数?&br;ADVモード用の設定か?|
|Max Semimegabeast Caves|0 to 100000|セミ・メガビーストが棲む洞窟の最大数?|
|Titan Number|0 to 1000|タイタンの人数|
|Titan Attack Population Requirement|0 to 1000000|タイタンが出現するようになる住人数|
|Titan Attack Exported Wealth Requirement|0 to 1000000|タイタンが出現するようになる輸出額|
|Titan Attack Created Wealth Requirement|0 to 1000000|タイタンが出現するようになる生産額&br;以上4つは未検証|
|Desired Good Squre Count in Small Subregions|0 to Map Size|小規模地域の神聖比率|
|Desired Good Squre Count in Medium Subregions|0 to Map Size|中規模地域の神聖比率|
|Desired Good Squre Count in Large Subregions|0 to Map Size|大規模地域の神聖比率|
|Desired Evil Squre Count in Small Subregions|0 to Map Size|小規模地域の邪悪比率|
|Desired Evil Squre Count in Medium Subregions|0 to Map Size|中規模地域の邪悪比率|
|Desired Evil Squre Count in Large Subregions|0 to Map Size|大規模地域の邪悪比率&br;以上6つの合計値がマップサイズより大きいと世界の創造が終わらない?|
|Minimum Initial Wetland Square Count|0 to Map Size|沼地の最低マス数|
|Minimum Initial Wetland Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Final Wetland Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Initial Desert Square Count|0 to Map Size|砂漠の最低マス数|
|Minimum Initial Desert Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Final Desert Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Initial Forest Square Count|0 to Map Size|森林の最低マス数|
|Minimum Initial Forest Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Final Forest Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Initial Mountains Square Count|0 to Map Size|山の最低マス数|
|Minimum Initial Mountains Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Final Mountains Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Initial Ocean Square Count|0 to Map Size|海の最低マス数|
|Minimum Initial Ocean Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Final Ocean Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Initial Glacier Square Count|0 to Map Size|氷河の最低マス数|
|Minimum Initial Glacier Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Final Glacier Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Initial Tundra Square Count|0 to Map Size|ツンドラの最低マス数|
|Minimum Initial Tundra Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Final Tundra Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Initial Grassland Square Count|0 to Map Size|草原の最低マス数|
|Minimum Initial Grassland Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Final Grassland Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Initial Hills Square Count|0 to Map Size|丘陵の最低マス数|
|Minimum Initial Hills Region Count|0 to 20||
|Minimum Final Hills and Region Count|0 to 20||
|Erosion Cycle Count|0 to 1000||
|Minimum River Start Locations <Pre-Erosion>|0 to 800||
|Desired River Start Locations <Post-Erosion>|0 to 800||
|Periodically Erode Extreme Cliffs|No or Yes||
|Do Orographic Precipitation and Rain Shadows|No or Yes||
|Maximum Number of Subregion|1 to 5000||
|Caver Layer Number|0 to 3||
|Caver Layer Openness Min|0 to 100||
|Caver Layer Openness Max|0 to 100||
|Caver Layer Passage Density Min|0 to 100||
|Caver Layer Passage Density Max|0 to 100||
|Caver Layer Water Min|0 to 100||
|Caver Layer Water Max|0 to 100||
|Magma Layer|No or Yes||
|Bottom Layer <Forces Magma>|No or Yes||
|Z Levels Above Ground|0 to 100||
|Z Levels Above Layer 1|5 to 100||
|Z Levels Above Layer 2|0 to 100||
|Z Levels Above Layer 3|0 to 100||
|Z Levels Above Layer 4|0 to 100||
|Z Levels Above Layer 5|2 to 100||
|Z Levels At Bottom|1 to 100||
|Minimum Natural Cave Size|1 to 500||
|Maximum Natural Cave Size|1 to 500||
|Number of Mountain Caves|0 to 800||
|Number of Non-Mountain Caves|0 to 800||
|Make Caves Visible|No or Yes||
|Allow Init Embark Options to Show Tunnels|Always or No or Only in Findr||
|Number of Civilizations|0 to 300||
|Playable Civilization Required|No or Yes||
|Minimum Number of Mid-Elevation Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of Low-Elevation Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of High-Elevation Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of Mid-Rain Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of Low-Rain Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of High-Rain Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of Mid-Drainage Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of Low-Drainage Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of High-Drainage Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of Mid-Savagery Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of Low-Savagery Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of High-Savagery Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of Mid-Volcanism Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of Low-Volcanism Squares|0 to Map Size||
|Minimum Number of High-Volcanism Squares|0 to Map Size||

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