
*性格 [#e99fcfdc]

**性格とは [#t8757980]

**コマンド [#bc8d90ea]
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**ポイント表 [#h0a749df]
|91 - 100|+3|
|76 - 90|+2|
|61 - 75|+1|
|40 - 60| 0|
|25 - 39|-1|
|10 - 24|-2|
|0 - 9|-3|

**性格一覧 [#xb002d9f]

|臆病さ&br;(ANXIETY)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is a nervous wreck.|
|~|+2|Is always tense and jittery.|
|~|+1|Is often nervous.|
|~|-1|Has a calm demeanor.|
|~|-2|Has a very calm demeanor.|
|~|-3|Has an incredibly calm demeanor.|
|怒りやすさ&br;(ANGER)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is in a constant state of internal rage.|
|~|+2|Is very quick to anger.|
|~|+1|Is quick to anger.|
|~|-1|Is slow to anger.|
|~|-2|Is very slow to anger.|
|~|-3|Never becomes angry.|
|意気消沈&br;(DEPRESSION)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is frequently depressed.|
|~|+2|Is often sad and dejected.|
|~|+1|Often feels discouraged.|
|~|-1|Rarely feels discouraged.|
|~|-2|Almost never feels discouraged.|
|~|-3|Never feels discouraged.|
|自意識&br;(SELF_CONSCIOUSNESS)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is socially crippled by thoughts that everyone is watching and judging it/him/her.|
|~|+2|Is concerned about rejection and ridicule.|
|~|+1|Is self-conscious.|
|~|-1|Is comfortable in social situations.|
|~|-2|Is very comfortable in social situations.|
|~|-3|Is absolutely unfazed by the opinions of others.|
|節操の無さ&br;(IMMODERATION)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is ruled by irresistible cravings and urges.|
|~|+2|Feels strong urges and seeks short-term rewards.|
|~|+1|Occassionally overindulges.|
|~|-1|Doesn't often experience strong cravings or urges.|
|~|-2|Only rarely feels strong cravings or urges.|
|~|-3|Never feels tempted to overindulge in anything.|
|傷つきやすさ&br;(VULNERABILITY)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Becomes completely helpless in stressful situations.|
|~|+2|Cracks easily under pressure.|
|~|+1|Doesn't handle stress well.|
|~|-1|Can handle stress.|
|~|-2|Is confident under pressure.|
|~|-3|Is impervious to the effects of stress.|
|社交的&br;(GREGARIOUSNESS)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Genuinely likes others and openly expresses positive feelings toward them.|
|~|+2|Makes friends quickly.|
|~|+1|Is very friendly.|
|~|-1|Is somewhat reserved.|
|~|-2|Is very distant and reserved.|
|~|-3|Does not actively seek friendships and is incredibly distant and reserved.|
|友好的&br;(FRIENDLINESS)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Truly treasures the company of others.|
|~|+2|Enjoys being in crowds.|
|~|+1|Enjoys the company of others.|
|~|-1|Tends to avoid crowds.|
|~|-2|Prefers to be alone.|
|~|-3|Considers spending time alone much more important than associating with others.|
|自己主張&br;(ASSERTIVENESS)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Loves to take charge and direct activities.|
|~|+2|Is very assertive.|
|~|+1|Is assertive.|
|~|-1|Is unassertive.|
|~|-2|Prefers that others handle the leadership roles.|
|~|-3|Never speaks out or attempts to direct activities.|
|活動&br;()|>| 英語版Wikiには無い。 |
|活動&br;(ACTIVITY_LEVEL )|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is constantly active and energetic. |
|~|+2|Is very energetic and active. |
|~|+1|is very active.|
|~|-1|Is relaxed.|
|~|-2|Lives life at a leisurely pace. |
|~|-3|Can't be bothered with frantic, fast-paced living. |
|冒険的&br;(ADVENTUROUSNESS)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Lives for risk and excitement.|
|~|+2|Is a risk-taker and a thrill-seeker.|
|~|+1|Loves a good thrill.|
|~|-1|Is not a risk-taker.|
|~|-2|Doesn't need thrills or risks in life.|
|~|-3|Is entirely adverse to risk and excitement.|
|元気の良さ&br;(CHEERFULNESS)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Often feels filled with joy.|
|~|+2|Can be very happy and optimistic.|
|~|+1|Is often cheerful.|
|~|-1|Is rarely happy or enthusiastic.|
|~|-2|Is a pessimist.|
|~|-3|Is never optimistic or enthusiastic about anything.|
|想像力&br;(IMAGINATION)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is bored by reality and has a wonderful imagination.|
|~|+2|Is incredibly creative.|
|~|+1|Has a fertile imagination.|
|~|-1|Isn't given to flights of fancy.|
|~|-2|Is grounded in reality.|
|~|-3|Is interested only in facts and the real world.|
|芸術性&br;(ARTISTIC_INTEREST)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Can easily become absorbed in art and the beauty of the natural world.|
|~|+2|Greatly appreciates art and natural beauty.|
|~|+1|Appreciates art and natural beauty.|
|~|-1|Does not have a great aesthetic sensitivity.|
|~|-2|Is not interested in art.|
|~|-3|Is completely uninterested in art.|
|感情表現&br;(EMOTIONALITY)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Has a profound understanding of its/his/her own feeldings.|
|~|+2|Has a great awareness of its/his/her own emotions.|
|~|+1|Has a good awareness of its/his/her own emotions.|
|~|-1|Tends not to openly express emotions.|
|~|-2|Is mostly unaware of its/his/her own emotions and rarely expresses them.|
|~|-3|Does not display its/his/her own emotions and has no awareness of them.|
|好奇心&br;(EXCITEMENT_SEEKING)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is highly adventurous and loves fresh experiences.|
|~|+2|Is eager for new experiences.|
|~|+1|Likes to try new things.|
|~|-1|Prefers familiar routines.|
|~|-2|Is uncomfortable with change.|
|~|-3|Is resistant to change.|
|自由主義&br;(LIBERALISM)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Revels in chaos and disorder.|
|~|+2|Loves to defy convention.|
|~|+1|Is put off by authority and tradition.|
|~|-1|Admires tradition.|
|~|-2|Prefers stability and security to ambiguity and disorder.|
|~|-3|Is an ardent believer in convention and traditional society.|
|知的好奇心&br;(INTELLECTUAL_CURIOSITY)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is entranced by riddles and puzzles and loves to debate issues and ideas.|
|~|+2|Loves new and fresh ideas.|
|~|+1|Is open-minded to new ideas.|
|~|-1|Dislikes intellectual discussions.|
|~|-2|Regards intellectual exercises as a waste of energy.|
|~|-3|Is completely uninterested in ideas and debates over intellectual issues.|
|信頼性&br;(TRUST)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is naturally trustful of everybody.|
|~|+2|Is very trusting.|
|~|+1|Is trusting.|
|~|-1|Is slow to trust others.|
|~|-2|Does not trust others.|
|~|-3|Sees others as selfish and conniving.|
|率直さ&br;(STRAIGHTFORWARDNESS)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is incredibly frank and candid in dealings with others.|
|~|+2|Is very straightforward with others.|
|~|+1|Is candid and sincere in dealings with others.|
|~|-1|Is guarded in relationships with others.|
|~|-2|Is not straightforward when dealing with others.|
|~|-3|Believes that some deception is necessary in relationships with others.|
|利他的&br;(ALTRUISM)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is truly fulfilled by assisting those in need.|
|~|+2|Finds helping others very rewarding.|
|~|+1|Finds helping others rewarding.|
|~|-1|Does not go out of its/his/her way to help others.|
|~|-2|Dislikes helping others.|
|~|-3|Views helping others as an imposition on own needs to get along with others.|
|協力&br;(COOPERATION)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Sacrifices its/his/her own needs to get along with others.|
|~|+2|Dislikes confrontations.|
|~|+1|Is willing to compromise with others.|
|~|-1|Doesn't like to compromise with others.|
|~|-2|Would rather intimidate others than compromise with them.|
|~|-3|Would never deny its/his/her own needs just to compromise with somebody else.|
|謙虚さ&br;(MODESTY)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Would never claim to be better than somebody else.|
|~|+2|Finds immodesty distasteful.|
|~|+1|Is modest.|
|~|-1|Is immodest.|
|~|-2|Is very willing to compare itself/himself/herself favorably with others.|
|~|-3|Would never shy away from an opportunity to say it/he/she is better than somebody else.|
|同調性&br;(SYMPATHY)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Is incredibly compassionate and feels the pain of others.|
|~|+2|Is easily moved to pity.|
|~|+1|Is compassionate.|
|~|-1|Is not easily moved to pity.|
|~|-2|Is not affected by the suffering of others.|
|~|-3|Would never let an objective judgement be tempered by mercy or pity.|
|自信&br;(SELF_EFFICACY)|>| comment |
|~|+3|is incredibly confident|
|~|+2|is very confident|
|~|+1|is confident|
|~|-1|lacks confidence|
|~|-2|does not feel effective in life|
|~|-3|always feels as if it/he/she is not in control of its/his/her life|
|秩序&br;(ORDERLINESS)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Loves to make lists and keep schedules.|
|~|+2|Tries to live a well-organized life.|
|~|+1|Is organized.|
|~|-1|Is disorganized.|
|~|-2|Is very disorganized.|
|~|-3|Is completely disorganized.|
|義務感&br;(DUTIFULNESS)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Has a profound sense of duty and obligation.|
|~|+2|Has a strong sense of duty.|
|~|+1|Has a sense of duty.|
|~|-1|Finds rules confining.|
|~|-2|Dislikes contracts and regulations.|
|~|-3|Hates rules, contracts and other confining elements in its/his/her life.|
|慎重さ&br;(CAUTIOUSNESS)|>| comment |
|~|+3|thinks through every alternatives and their consequences before acting|
|~|+2|is extremely cautious|
|~|+1|takes time when making decisions|
|~|-1|often does the first thing that comes to mind|
|~|-2|acts impulsively|
|~|-3|always acts without considering alternatives or thinking through possibilities|
|業績努力&br;(ACHIEVEMENT_STRIVING)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Constantly strives for perfection.|
|~|+2|Thinks it is incredibly important to strive for excellence.|
|~|+1|Strives for excellence.|
|~|-1|Doesn't go out of its/his/her way to do more work than necessary.|
|~|-2|Very rarely does more work than necessary.|
|~|-3|Does the bare minimum necessary to accomplish the task at hand.|
|向上心&br;(SELF_DISCIPLINE~)|>| comment |
|~|+3|Will persist in the face of any difficulty until the task is complete.|
|~|+2|Possesses great willpower.|
|~|+1|Is self-disciplined.|
|~|-1|Is occasionally given to procrastination.|
|~|-2|Has very little self-discipline.|
|~|-3|Rarely completes tasks and is often overcome by distractions.|

**その他 [#y41c7eed]
He need alcohol to get through the working day.~

He does not mind being outdoors, at least for a time.~

He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather.~

He is a hardened individual.

**性格管理テンプレート [#lc258f64]


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