*Site(用地・敷地)について [#kf713bd6]
SiteとはRegion(地域)タイル上に見られる居住場所のことです。少なくともひとつ以上の山ではない陸地に隣接しています。文明を持つ生物が定住していたり、名前を持つcreatureが住んでいることもあります。 The type of site will be represented on maps in any mode with a tile that replaces the region tile.Adventureモードでは、 the site becomes the default arrival location for travel to that region tile. SiteはLegends modeで確認することのできる歴史を持っています。~

|[[Cave]](洞窟)| &size(15){&color(#a9a9a9,black){''•''};};|
|[[Mountain Halls(ドワーフらの山の住処)>Mountain Hall]]| &size(15){&color(#808080,black){''Ω''}; &color(#a9a9a9,black){''Ω''}; &color(#d3d3d3,black){''Ω''};}; |
|[[Dark Fortress]](暗い要塞)| &size(15){&color(#808080,black){''Π''}; &color(#c71585,black){''Π''}; &color(#ffb6c1,black){''Π''};};|
|[[Forest Retreat]](森の拠点)| &size(15){&color(yellow,black){''Î''}; &color(yellow,black){''¶''};};|
|[[Fortress]](要塞)| &size(15){&color(#d2d2d2,black){''○''};};|
|[[Town]](街)| &size(15){&color(#d3d3d3,black){''+''}; &color(#d3d3d3,black){''*''}; &color(#d3d3d3,black){''#''}; &color(#d3d3d3,black){''☼''};};|
|[[Camp]](キャンプ)| &size(15){&color(yellow,black){''☼''};};|
|[[Lair]](巣穴)| &size(15){&color(#a9a9a9,black){''•''};};|
|[[Labyrinth]](迷路)| &size(15){&color(gray,#dedede){''#''};};|
|[[Shrine]](聖堂)| &size(15){&color(#d3d3d3,black){''Å''};}; |
|[[Ruins(遺跡)>Ruin]]| &size(15){&color(yellow,black){''μ''}; &color(#d3d3d3,black){''μ''}; &color(#a9a9a9,black){''μ''}; &color(#808080,black){''μ''};}; |
**Fortressモード [#j97a1cd4]
During the embark phase of Fortress Mode, sites can be seen in region and local views. Some site types can be included in the embark region namely caves or previous player fortresses (Reclaim). In the current version of v0.31 embarking on settlements is disabled. On embarking, the fortress becomes a site of the size and location chosen.
Abandoned fortresses are displayed on the map as Ruins.
**Absent Sites [#ab4671ca]
In the current version, non-human civilizations only exist in an abstract way, affecting world-gen and some post-world-gen functions but without sites physically existing in the world. Because of this, (non-player) Dwarf Fortresses, Elven Retreats and Dark Fortresses can't be visited in Adventure Mode, even though they'll still show up on maps.
Toady has commented that they'll most likely stay absent until he continues the Army Arc.

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