

Flour(小麦粉) is an ingredient in cooking, made by milling one of the three available grains (cave wheat, longland grass and whip vine) at a millstone or quern. Milling involves grinding the grains beneath the wheel, rendering it from an inedible plant to an edible powder suitable for cooking. Milling plants needs one bag for every job, and one plant will be processed to make one bag of flour. Flour in bags又はmill barrelsは、普通の作物のように枯れることがない。vermin(害虫)からも半永久的に守られる。スペースも非常に効率的で、一つのbarrel(樽)に十のbags(袋)が入る。小麦粉は食品としても優秀。stockpileが小さくても、ちょっとした数のドワーフを数ヶ月間維持するには十分。


Flour(小麦粉)は[z]:Statusからのkitchenタブで調理可能(cook)になっていれば、kitchenでprepare mealを実行することで使用される。 Flour is more valuable than the raw crop, (20☼ per unit for cave wheat flour and longland flour, 25☼ per unit for whip vine flour), and prepared meals made with flour have a higher value. Bags and barrels of flour are often quite valuable and suitable for export or import with caravans; a single barrel of flour can easily be worth more than 200☼. A stack of plants size n produces a bag with n flour and n seeds.

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Last-modified: 2013-12-23 (月) 22:37:37 (3769d)